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How to Stand Out as an Editor

Newer editors are often unsure of how to stand out from other editors. So they’ll do things that are the equivalent of wearing a fedora or a monocle. “Notice me!” these efforts say. But I have a tip to share for how to stand out as an editor!

My #1 Tip to Stand Out as an Editor

But the very best way to get people to notice you is to just be yourself. The trick is to be yourself very intensely.

Embrace your Dad jokes with your whole heart. Emphasize that you have ADHD so you understand what it’s like to try to accomplish something big while dealing with challenges. Talk about your nerdy affection for the Oxford comma and for everything to do with Star Trek.

Maybe you’re very low-key. Let that be a strength: “I’m not the kind of editor who is going to impose my preferences and peeves all over your manuscript.”

I have the sense of humor of a twelve-year-old. So when I started Club Ed, I did so with the idea that we didn’t have to talk about editing in hushed, respectful tones nor did we need to approach it with fussy pedantry. We could have a little fun while we were at it.

Some people hate this approach and cannot find the exit soon enough. That’s fair! I’m not trying to appeal to everyone on earth.

And you don’t have to, either. You just have to find some other people who like what you have to offer in the way you have to offer it. And the best way to connect with those people is to show them who you are. This is the most memorable and effective way I’ve found to stand out as an editor.

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