
You might be a copy editor if . . .

Our upcoming Beginning Copyediting for Fiction class will educate anyone wanting to fix the errors seen on a daily basis in the real world!

Over the past week or so, I’ve caught the following typos and grammatical awkwardness in major news media:

USA Today: “publically released”

USA Today: “could cause driver’s to crash”

USA Today: “exasperating the problem” (should be “exacerbating the problem”)

Yahoo Entertainment: “Affleck has three children with whom Lopez has become the stepmother to.”

People: “A college student is dead after falling to his death.”

CNN: “Crossed first paths”

ABC News: “preventing recruiters from meting with students”

If you, like me, have a tendency to spot errors like this, then you, too, are either a copy editor or could be one.

beginning copyediting for fiction

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  • You might be a copy editor if . . .

    Our upcoming Beginning Copyediting for Fiction class will educate anyone wanting to fix the errors seen on a daily basis in the real world! Over the past week or so, I’ve caught the following typos and grammatical awkwardness in major news media: USA Today: “publically released” USA Today: “could cause driver’s to crash” USA Today:…

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