sandy beach with palm tree and words understanding point of view and perspective for writers.
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What you’re (probably) doing wrong in your novel

I want to share some self-editing tips for fiction writers to help you fix issues in your novel before you hand it off to an editor. Self-editing Tips for Fiction Writers – Common Problems & Solutions As a developmental editor, I see some common problems in manuscripts written by newer authors. If you’re revising (self-editing)…

how to start your editing business.

Finding Clients as a Newer Editor

What are the secrets to finding clients as a newer editor? Here is my top tip and a few thoughts. Ways to Find Clients as a Newer Editor Established freelancers often describe a formula they think newer freelancers should follow to get more clients: “Apply to every freelance gig you see! That’s all you need…

dark ocean water with coral with text overlay about what indie authors look for in editors.

Making Time for Potential Clients

What’s the secret to making time for potential clients, especially if you’re time and energy are already maxed out? Businesses do many things to reduce friction for customers, such as building automations, writing FAQs, offering a wide variety of payment options, and so on. The idea is that if I want to buy a widget…

How to Edit How-To and Self-Help Books.
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How to Let Your Niche Find You

One thing new editors often ask me is how to find their niche(s), and my short answer is to let your niche find you. How to Let Your Niche Find You I don’t want to be all zen and say your niches will find you, but that’s kind of true, or at least it has…

colorful under the sea background with words finding and landing indie author clients.
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When to Raise Rates for Book Editors

Let’s talk about when to raise rates for book editors.  How do you know when it’s the right time? I have a few tips for this. Is it Time to Raise Your Rates?  It’s common for freelancers to get stuck on a low-paying treadmill. They take a few poorly paying gigs to get some experience…

foundations of storytelling for writers.
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What to Do With Literary Agent Feedback

As an author submitting queries, you may end up wondering what to do with literary agent feedback. Do you blindly accept it, completely reject it, or maybe meet somewhere in the middle? Have You Received Literary Agent Feedback? A while ago, an author came to me with a conundrum. He’d written a slow-burning psychological thriller…

how to start a freelance business
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Why Providing Clear Guidance Matters for Editors

In the Club Ed membership group, we were discussing a (published) how-to book aimed at writers. One of the editors mentioned how the information was presented in a confusing way and that this made it difficult for her to continue reading. Then she remarked, “My mind is generally in a state of burden.” I don’t…

colorful under the sea background with words finding and landing indie author clients.
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How to Stand Out as an Editor

Newer editors are often unsure of how to stand out from other editors. So they’ll do things that are the equivalent of wearing a fedora or a monocle. “Notice me!” these efforts say. But I have a tip to share for how to stand out as an editor! My #1 Tip to Stand Out as…

The Business of Storytelling by Jennifer Lawler book cover

Establishing – and Juggling! – Multiple Streams of Income for Editors and Writers

Multiple streams of income. You’ve probably heard that as a writer or editor (or writer-editor) you should have them—but how? And why? Here is my best advice for establishing multiple streams of income for editors and writers. Multiple Streams of Income for Editors and Writers Simply put, having multiple streams of income means you earn…