the business of storytelling book cover.
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The Business of Storytelling

The Business of Storytelling Book Release Newly released book The Business of Storytelling will help editors and writers expand their resources to bring in other streams of income. If you’ve been in love with stories for a while, you’ve probably thought about making them the center of your working life. But if you’re also a…

dark ocean water with coral with text overlay about what indie authors look for in editors.

What Indie Authors Look for in Editors

In order to attract the right kind of clients for you, you have to understand what indie authors look for in editors. Some authors want you to do all the work. (These are often nonfiction authors, but some novelists do this, too.) If you’ve identified a plot problem, they want you to rewrite the story…

wave hitting beach in ocean.

3 Query Letter Must-Haves

What are the essentials needed in a query letter? These query letter must-haves are the most important pieces a query letter needs. Tips for Query Letter Must-Haves In the course of my work (as an agent, as an acquisitions editor, now as a publishing consultant, I have found that writers often overlook a few important…

intermediate copyediting for fiction class

Making Editorial Decisions in a Copyedit

A book editor needs to get comfortable making editorial decisions in a copyedit. Don’t shift the editorial burden back to the author. Copyediting requires decision-making Obviously, we can’t ask the author to make decisions about every question we have when we’re editing. This is inefficient as it takes time to ask the question and get…

beginning line editing for fiction.

Editing for Timeline Consistency

One of a book editor’s services is editing for timeline consistency, a common developmental concern. Here are some tips for tracking story timelines! Problems with Editing for Timeline Consistency A common developmental concern is a problem or error in the timeline of a story. Usually the copy editor is expected to track the timeline very…

Line editing from a character’s viewpoint

What is line editing from a character’s viewpoint? A line editor has to learn to look at what is happening in a scene from the viewpoint character’s perspective in order to catch errors in how the story is conveyed. Here’s an example. Lois, the narrator (“I”), is hiding in a bathroom at an urgent care…

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Additional services for a book editing business

Need ideas for additional services for a book editing business? Freelance editors often want to expand their services to meet client needs or just to add some variety to their day. I sympathize completely! I started out as a copy editor and while I enjoyed applying a specific style guide consistently across 80,000 words, it…