creating classes and information products

Product mosaic marketing for freelance editors – or stop focusing on a sales funnel!

Stop Focusing on a Sales Funnel Marketers talk a lot about sales funnels, where you get a bunch of people to purchase a no-cost or low-cost item, then get them to buy a higher-priced product and so on up to your highest-priced product. Fewer people will buy your highest-priced product (thus the narrowing of the…

how to put emotions in writing

Packing emotion into a tight space

Mastering Storytelling: Emotions in Writing Being able to convey emotions in writing is a storyteller’s dream. Kate Rusby is an English folk singer-songwriter whose songs sometimes make me laugh and sometimes make me cry. I typically write and edit in long form – novels, not short stories. So I’m always interested in how writers manage…


How long does querying take?

Writer Question: Exactly how long does querying take? I’m often asked how long it takes to hear back from editors or agents. Maybe a writer has an agent who has submitted a proposal or a manuscript, and she’s biting her nails waiting to hear back, or she’s submitted the full manuscript of her novel at an agent’s request…

Creating a cohesive developmental edit

The goal of every editor should be that of providing a cohesive developmental edit for a manuscript. A lot of the skill in developmental editing is just keeping your mouth shut. Not every single thing you notice needs to be commented upon. It doesn’t make the author’s revision go more effectively when you’re nitpicking about…

Time-saving marketing tip for freelance editors

If you’re a freelance editor trying to drum up business, then stay tuned for a big time-saving marketing tip. One of the challenges when you’re starting out as a freelance editor is that there is SO MUCH you could be doing to market your services. There’s Facebook and Instagram and TikTok and YouTube (not to…