how to become a developmental editor

Use of Authoritative Editing Style Guides

As a developmental editor, you won’t be copyediting, but you do need to be familiar with the authoritative editing style guides copy editors use. Basic Editing Style Guides Most of my clients have wanted me to follow The Chicago Manual of Style with some variations. That is standard for book publishing, so it pays to…

getting editorial work from book publishers and packagers.

Build Your Editing Business on a Budget

Starting and running a freelance business costs money, and you need to know how to build your editing business on a budget. This is an unfortunate irony at a time when many people have lost their jobs and would like to freelance to earn income but don’t have much spare change to invest in it….

dock in water with words club ed membership program yearly.

How to Create Defensible Edits

As a developmental editor, you need to know how to create defensible edits of a manuscript to help authors put out their best work. Tips for How to Create Defensible Edits When you’re doing a developmental edit—looking at the big-picture overview of a novel—you’ll generally be expected to provide two main services: The editing on…

the business of storytelling book cover.

Effective Client Communication for Book Editors

Managing client expectations is necessary for a successful business so here are my tips for effective client communication for book editors. My Top Tip for Effective Client Communication for Book Editors One way to avoid an unhappy client is to communicate all relevant information from the very beginning of your relationship with them. Clearly stated…

developmental editing course.

Basics of Developmental Editing – Dos and Don’ts

The basics of developmental editing can be shared in a set of do’s and don’ts for editors. Here Are My Basics of Developmental Editing I generally begin any developmental edit with a quick read-through intended just to familiarize myself with the story. I make developmental notes for myself as I perform that first read-through, including…

how to start your editing business.

Basics of a Book Editor Contract

These basics of a book editor contract will help ensure you cover a few important considerations when setting up your editing business. Just the Basics of a Book Editor Contract I’m not going to get into the ins-and-outs of contracts, since I’m not a lawyer and crafting a legally binding contract is best left to…