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The Business of Storytelling

The Business of Storytelling Book Release Newly released book The Business of Storytelling will help editors and writers expand their resources to bring in other streams of income. If you’ve been in love with stories for a while, you’ve probably thought about making them the center of your working life. But if you’re also a…
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Dealing with creative burnout

Are you dealing with creative burnout? I know the feeling and have some thoughts to share. A writer sent me an email saying she felt creatively drained. She said, “My book is good. How can I convince others?” Reading between the lines, I figured she’d written a book she felt was excellent but agents/editors were…
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Using other people’s characters to inspire you

Writers’ Topic: Character Inspiration Can writers get character inspiration from other writers? Using an existing character can be a good jumping off point to a new character. A student once asked, “I often find B characters in novels more interesting than the leads, yet they’re never fully developed (hence the B aspect). I wonder if…
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