getting editorial work from book publishers and packagers.

Build Your Editing Business on a Budget

Starting and running a freelance business costs money, and you need to know how to build your editing business on a budget. This is an unfortunate irony at a time when many people have lost their jobs and would like to freelance to earn income but don’t have much spare change to invest in it….

the business of storytelling book cover.

Effective Client Communication for Book Editors

Managing client expectations is necessary for a successful business so here are my tips for effective client communication for book editors. My Top Tip for Effective Client Communication for Book Editors One way to avoid an unhappy client is to communicate all relevant information from the very beginning of your relationship with them. Clearly stated…

The Business of Storytelling by Jennifer Lawler book cover

Establishing – and Juggling! – Multiple Streams of Income for Editors and Writers

Multiple streams of income. You’ve probably heard that as a writer or editor (or writer-editor) you should have them—but how? And why? Here is my best advice for establishing multiple streams of income for editors and writers. Multiple Streams of Income for Editors and Writers Simply put, having multiple streams of income means you earn…

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The Business of Storytelling

The Business of Storytelling Book Release Newly released book The Business of Storytelling will help editors and writers expand their resources to bring in other streams of income. If you’ve been in love with stories for a while, you’ve probably thought about making them the center of your working life. But if you’re also a…