Becoming a Professional Editor

A colleague recently mentioned an encounter with a proofreader who’d been hired to proofread a laid-out book (that is, in PDF form). The proofreader asked for the Word file to work from. That’s not how proofreading a laid-out book works. A friend had a client who wanted a developmental editor who could edit in Scribner….


More Powerful than AI

AI is going to kill routine jobs. But it won’t kill jobs that require expertise and human judgment. That’s why it’s important for editors to move beyond basic skills like proofreading. It’s not enough to say, “But homophones!” Most people will accept a small error rate if it means they can save three thousand dollars….


Writing and Editing Skills: How do you hyphenate your career?

How can someone effectively combine writing and editing skills? By establishing what I call a “hyphenated career,” precisely that of a Writer-Editor! Combine Writing and Editing Skills – Become a Writer-Editor In my book The Business of Storytelling, I talk about how to create a writer-editor career, where you use what you learn as a…

words club ed passport on background with images of passports.
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How to Stand Out From the Crowd

A challenge for newer editors is feeling like you’re competing against hundreds of people for the same few clients—you have to figure out how to stand out from the crowd. But believe me when I say you’re not. A Little Ditty About How to Stand Out From the Crowd Here’s a story. My daughter is…

beginning developmental editing for fiction.

Developing a Book Editor Mindset

Developing a book editor mindset is as simple as understanding a few basic principles, including how to read a manuscript like an editor. Developing a Book Editor Mindset Beginning developmental editors sometimes ask me how “awful” books make it onto the New York Times bestseller list, and how can we worry about what makes a…

basics of developmental editing for nonfiction.

Differences in Editing Fiction and Nonfiction

The differences in editing fiction and nonfiction are distinct, and it is important for editors to know these differences so that relevant manuscripts are edited appropriately. Differences in Editing Fiction and Nonfiction In nonfiction (with the exception of some categories, such as memoir or narrative nonfiction), what matters is the content – the facts. So,…

beginning developmental editing for fiction.

Editorial Distinctions: Types of Book Editing

Understanding the differences in the various types of book editing will help editors fine-tune their craft. Types of Book Editing It’s important to distinguish the different types of book editing—an edit that is largely intended to deal with big-picture problems (the developmental edit) and one that is meant to catch sentence-level problems (a copyedit). It’s…

dock in water with words club ed membership program yearly.

How to Create Defensible Edits

As a developmental editor, you need to know how to create defensible edits of a manuscript to help authors put out their best work. Tips for How to Create Defensible Edits When you’re doing a developmental edit—looking at the big-picture overview of a novel—you’ll generally be expected to provide two main services: The editing on…