How to Edit How-To and Self-Help Books.
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How to Let Your Niche Find You

One thing new editors often ask me is how to find their niche(s), and my short answer is to let your niche find you. How to Let Your Niche Find You I don’t want to be all zen and say your niches will find you, but that’s kind of true, or at least it has…

how to start a freelance business
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Why Providing Clear Guidance Matters for Editors

In the Club Ed membership group, we were discussing a (published) how-to book aimed at writers. One of the editors mentioned how the information was presented in a confusing way and that this made it difficult for her to continue reading. Then she remarked, “My mind is generally in a state of burden.” I don’t…

dark ocean water with coral with text overlay about what indie authors look for in editors.

What Indie Authors Look for in Editors

In order to attract the right kind of clients for you, you have to understand what indie authors look for in editors. Some authors want you to do all the work. (These are often nonfiction authors, but some novelists do this, too.) If you’ve identified a plot problem, they want you to rewrite the story…