Creating Classes and Information Products

Using information products to boost your bottom line

How can information products boost your business’s bottom line? People like to pretend that you can write a book and make passive income from it.  You can’t.  If you write a book and stick it up on Amazon and never do anything to promote or market it, you’re not going to sell any copies. Okay,…

creating classes and information products

Product mosaic marketing for freelance editors – or stop focusing on a sales funnel!

Stop Focusing on a Sales Funnel Marketers talk a lot about sales funnels, where you get a bunch of people to purchase a no-cost or low-cost item, then get them to buy a higher-priced product and so on up to your highest-priced product. Fewer people will buy your highest-priced product (thus the narrowing of the…

Giving clients a reason to hire you

Editors often talk about how much they love stories as if this is a reason why someone should hire them. But loving stories is kind of a bottom-line thing, like having a medical degree is the bottom-line for being a physician. No one is going to hire you because you love stories. They’re going to hire…

What topic should your information product cover?

You’ve probably heard that to get people to sign up for your newsletter list, you should create an information product of some sort (an ebook, a white paper, a collection of templates) to give away in return for their signing up for your newsletter. This is certainly a tried-and-true strategy (and I do it myself…

How information products (like ebooks) can improve your bottom line

People like to pretend that you can write a book and make passive income from it. You can’t. If you write a book and stick it up on Amazon and never do anything to promote or market it, you’re not going to sell any copies. Okay, you might sell three or four from people who…