
5 Networking Tips for Editors

Most of my work comes from referrals and word-of-mouth, and that’s true of most of the experienced freelance editors I know. I also solve a lot of problems that arise by talking them over with my colleagues. Because of that, I’m a strong advocate for having a network of colleagues. But I know networking intimidates…


5 Tips for Having Hard Conversations

One of my secret vices is reading advice columns. They’re always about conflict, which is the heart of story, and so I can’t help but be drawn to them. Over and over again, the writers express a desire to set some kind of a boundary – to tell their parents they can’t stay for three…


Toxic Freelance Relationships

I wrecked two Christmases in a row as a freelancer for a publisher client. I was trying to salvage disasters that someone else had caused, so there I was, working feverishly all Christmas Eve and half of Christmas Day, trying to fix it. I couldn’t enjoy the season or time with my family because of…


How to Avoid Being a Chump

I’m a daily reader of the ChumpLady website, which is a great resource for people who are dealing with cheaters in their romantic relationships. I read it not because I’ve ever lived with or left a cheater but because it offers incredible insight into narcs and other personality disordered types, which I have had to…

colorful under the sea background with words finding and landing indie author clients.
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How to Respond to Rejection Positively

I didn’t realize so many people did not know how to respond to rejection in a way that helped them to learn and grow from the experience. How to Respond to Rejection Positively I recently solicited proposals for a project, and what I found enlightening about the whole process was how badly most of the…

getting editorial work from book publishers and packagers.

Make Money Fast as a Freelance Book Editor

Do you need to figure out how to make money fast as a freelance book editor? It happens to all of us from time to time: work slows down, and we need to generate quick income. Note that this is not a blog post about how to start your business as a freelance book editor…

colorful under the sea background with words finding and landing indie author clients.
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Differences in Working for Indie Authors and Publisher Clients

I think it’s important for editors to understand the differences in editing for indie authors and publisher clients in order to make a thoughtful decision on which type of cient to pursie, or perhaps to attain both types of clients. Here are some of the most helpful tips I’ve gathered in my experience to help…

how to start your editing business.

Finding Clients as a Newer Editor

What are the secrets to finding clients as a newer editor? Here is my top tip and a few thoughts. Ways to Find Clients as a Newer Editor Established freelancers often describe a formula they think newer freelancers should follow to get more clients: “Apply to every freelance gig you see! That’s all you need…

dark ocean water with coral with text overlay about what indie authors look for in editors.

Making Time for Potential Clients

What’s the secret to making time for potential clients, especially if you’re time and energy are already maxed out? Businesses do many things to reduce friction for customers, such as building automations, writing FAQs, offering a wide variety of payment options, and so on. The idea is that if I want to buy a widget…