marketing toolkit content marketing strategy.
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You Need a Content Strategy

Let’s discuss why book editors need a content strategy in order to market their business effectively. Why Book Editors Need a Content Strategy A while back, I mentioned on a LinkedIn post that for years, my best-performing content for my personal website had been a screed about how I hated wind chimes. That post drew…

The Business of Storytelling by Jennifer Lawler book cover

How to Price Services for Freelance Editors

Attention freelance editors: When considering how to price services, avoid undervaluing your work in an attempt to stay competitive. This approach can lead to exhaustion and potentially compromise the quality of your output. How to Price Services My hair stylist moved to Indiana. I only found this out when I called to make an appointment….

words club ed passport on background with images of passports.
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How to Stand Out From the Crowd

A challenge for newer editors is feeling like you’re competing against hundreds of people for the same few clients—you have to figure out how to stand out from the crowd. But believe me when I say you’re not. A Little Ditty About How to Stand Out From the Crowd Here’s a story. My daughter is…

getting editorial work from book publishers and packagers.

Building Your Editing Business

Building your editing business requires finding clients. As a newer editor, this can be challenging, so where do you start? I suggest you begin by asking yourself a few questions. Building Your Editing Business: Decide Who You Are as an Editor Inventory What You Already Know Put It Together Tips for Editors & Writers

The Business of Storytelling by Jennifer Lawler book cover

How Freelancers Can Use the Pareto Principle

Learning how freelancers can use the Pareto Principle to level up their marketing game offers great business-building wisdom. How Freelancers Can Use the Pareto Principle The Pareto Principle, also known as the 80/20 rule, is a ratio used to describe certain economic and business situations, such as 20 percent of the people have 80 percent…

how to start an editing business.
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Avoiding Scope Creep

Whether you’re a developmental editor, a copyeditor, or a line editor, avoiding scope creep is necessary so you can deliver your best work to clients. Avoiding Scope Creep for Editors When we edit novels, much of our work involves evaluating the problems in the manuscript and suggesting possible revisions for the author. If Joe’s character…

getting editorial work from book publishers and packagers.

Build Your Editing Business on a Budget

Starting and running a freelance business costs money, and you need to know how to build your editing business on a budget. This is an unfortunate irony at a time when many people have lost their jobs and would like to freelance to earn income but don’t have much spare change to invest in it….

the business of storytelling book cover.

Effective Client Communication for Book Editors

Managing client expectations is necessary for a successful business so here are my tips for effective client communication for book editors. My Top Tip for Effective Client Communication for Book Editors One way to avoid an unhappy client is to communicate all relevant information from the very beginning of your relationship with them. Clearly stated…