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How to overcome procrastination
One of the ways I beat procrastination is to play little games with myself.For example, “I’m going to fill up this notebook before my flight leaves tomorrow.”I’ve also counted things down on Facebook: “Going to write 1,000 words this afternoon.” Then “500 down, 500 to go.” Then 250, 50, and none.I have done work sprints…
Everything is material
When you’re a writer, everything is material. This makes us sort of strange and awful, if we’re being honest. I remember one of the first things I thought after my daughter was diagnosed with horrific, debilitating disease was, Well, this is going to make a quite a story someday. I flinch whenever I think about…
What to expect from editing
Authors are sometimes worried about getting feedback on their work because they’re afraid it will be “ripped apart.” It’s perfectly understandable to feel a little nervous about feedback – after all, you want your work to be perfect. You want other people to love it the way you do. But you know there are probably…
Where to find good writing (and publishing) advice
One of the challenges in taking writing and publishing advice from other authors is that they usually know only what works/worked for them. An author who has only been publishing for a little while has a very limited experience to draw from. I understand why published authors want to give advice despite not having expertise…