Join Club Ed Conversations

We’ve been having some great (written) conversations during our monthly Q&A on the Club Ed Conversations forum (second Tuesday of each month from 10 a.m. to noon Pacific time) and I wanted to build on this energy by creating slightly more focused sessions.

In order to provide an opportunity for Club Ed participants to hear from a variety of editors, I’ve invited guest hosts to join me in answering questions during several upcoming chats. General questions about Club Ed self-paced classes or editing in general are still welcome at these more focused chats.

Here’s the schedule:

April 12, 2022 – Katherine Kirk, editing tabletop RPG (role-playing games)

May 10, 2022 – Amarilys Acosta, on diversity/sensitivity reading

I’ll update this list as more guest hosts are scheduled.

If you’re not able to attend, you can send questions to and check the forum later for a response.

Club Ed Conversations is open to anyone who is taking or has taken a Club Ed class. Please just make your request to join by emailing

Join the Club!

how to become an editor

New to story editing? Begin at the beginning.

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