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Expand into Book Doctoring and Ghostwriting
If you’ve been a developmental editor for any length of time, you’ve likely encountered an author who just wants you to write the book for them. Or, you’ve encountered a manuscript that was in such disrepair that it required a herculean effort to fix it, dropping your hourly rate down to pocket change. As a…
The Call to Adventure
The first few pages of an author’s novel are crucial. Once the novel is published, readers will judge whether they’re interested in reading the story based on the first few pages, even the first paragraph. If authors don’t get this right, their novel is unlikely to sell to readers. And even if it does sell,…
Copyediting vs Line Editing – What’s the difference?
Copyediting and line editing both focus on the sentence level, but they are not the same thing. Copyediting is about ensuring consistency across a manuscript, correcting egregious errors, making sure the manuscript conforms to a specific style guide, and otherwise smoothing the prose so the reader doesn’t encounter any sentence-level hiccups as they read. Example…
Editing for Character Consistency
Because writing a novel manuscript takes place over a long period of time, character inconsistencies can crop up. Maybe in Chapter 1 the author says that Joe has never been in trouble with the law but in Chapter 12 he has a history as a felon. As the editor it can sometimes seem puzzling to…
Who Are (All of) You?
One of the most common character development problems I come across in developmental editing is the introduction of the cast of thousands. We’ve barely met Harry and Sally when we are also introduced to Bernadette, Jose, Terry, Maximilian, Duane, Lisa, and their children and pets. The reader can barely figure out who any of these…
Freelancing with Reckless Serenity
Years ago, I was reading a book by Carl Hiaasen (I think it was Carl Hiaasen) in which a character made an impulsive decision with, to quote, “reckless serenity.” And I just stopped in that moment and reveled in that glorious phrase. The best things I’ve ever done in my life have all been achieved…
How character motivations create meaning
In my teaching, I focus a lot on helping editors understand how character, plot, and setting work together. These are the tools with which authors build stories. But there’s another we shouldn’t overlook: theme. Readers read stories not merely to find out what happens but to understand what it means. Causes Create Meaning I often…
Helping Authors Understand Character Development
Authors often use character sketches to understand their characters better. They’ll haul out a template and fill in the blanks with descriptions of the character’s appearance, when they were born, where they went to school, who gave them their first kiss, and more. Character Description Is Not Character Development While some of these details can…
Build Your Business the Right Way
I work with a lot of editors who want to build a bigger business, move into new areas, and/or develop new types of clients. I always applaud this. We’re working in a field that allows almost endless growth and change, if we want it. I’m doing very different work now from when I started more…