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5 Tips for Having Hard Conversations
One of my secret vices is reading advice columns. They’re always about conflict, which is the heart of story, and so I can’t help but be drawn to them. Over and over again, the writers express a desire to set some kind of a boundary – to tell their parents they can’t stay for three…
7 Questions to Ask when Line Editing Dialogue
In fiction, dialogue is used to forward the plot and reveal character. But authors often get bogged down in writing boring, mundane conversations that may reflect how people actually talk, but aren’t very interesting for readers. Helping authors sharpen dialogue can make a good book great. Sharper dialogue engages readers and keeps them immersed in…
How Are Beta Reading, Manuscript Evaluation, and Developmental Editing Different?
Aspiring editors sometimes aren’t sure of the differences between different types of services they could offer. Three of the main big-picture services editors offer are beta reading, manuscript evaluation, and developmental editing. Here’s how they differ. Beta Reading Beta reading is a type of reader feedback on a manuscript. If you’re familiar with writers’ workshops,…
Business of Storytelling, The | DE 1 – 6: Developmental Editing for Fiction | So You Want to Be an Editor | Starting Your Freelance Editing Business
Letting go of mistakes
Once upon a time, I trained in the martial arts. When I was a brown belt, I hit someone pretty hard and broke his rib. We were supposed to demonstrate excellent physical control, and accidentally breaking someone’s rib does not equal excellent physical control. I felt terrible for causing him pain and for not having…
Toxic Freelance Relationships
I wrecked two Christmases in a row as a freelancer for a publisher client. I was trying to salvage disasters that someone else had caused, so there I was, working feverishly all Christmas Eve and half of Christmas Day, trying to fix it. I couldn’t enjoy the season or time with my family because of…
Basics of Developmental Editing for Nonfiction | Beginning Developmental Editing for Fiction | DE 1 – 6: Developmental Editing for Fiction | So You Want to Be an Editor
Doing quick manuscript evaluations
I once had a manuscript land on my desk was written in such an abstract way (“glorious silver moon moments brandish sparkles”) (not a direct quote) that I couldn’t figure out how to begin to edit it. This was for a publisher client who would send projects my way without giving me a chance to…
Anatomy of a mispriced project
Let me tell you about that time I worked 650 hours to earn $7500. This was last year, so it’s not like it was a newbie mistake. What happened? How to Price Your Editorial Services Takes Thought In fact, I think #5 was probably the biggest factor in this snarl. If I hadn’t felt rushed…
Understanding Reader Expectations & Genres
One key to identifying DE problems is understanding reader expectations, and reader expectations are closely tied to genre. Understanding Reader Expectations When I read a romance, I expect it to end happily ever after. I don’t care if you have a great idea for a heart-breaking ending. I don’t want a heartbreaking ending. I want…
Learning How to Read
Learning how to read is a crucial skill for developmental story editors. Years ago, I was teaching a university lit class that all new freshmen were required to take. For one reason or another, Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken” was on the syllabus. All of the students had encountered this poem before, and all…