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Why the World Needs Line Editors

I’m reading a fairly popular thriller author’s newest novel, and I’m finding it a slog because while the story holds up, she really needed a line editor to pare back her worst habits. Here’s an example (I’m inventing this but it conveys the general problem): Janet clutched the steering wheel. The rain was pouring down!…
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How Not to Network

A while back, I wrote a post on LinkedIn about income freelance editors could expect to make, and a bunch of editors responded, and one lone writer asked me to look at his book because he was sure I would love it. I haven’t been in book acquisitions for ten years, and even if I…
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Introducing: Editing Horror

I’ve edited a fair amount of fiction over the years, but I’ve never edited horror. I’m not a horror reader and I don’t understand the genre. But ever since I started teaching at Club Ed, I’ve wanted to add a horror class because I know it’s a hugely popular genre and it feels like a…
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More Powerful than AI

AI is going to kill routine jobs. But it won’t kill jobs that require expertise and human judgment. That’s why it’s important for editors to move beyond basic skills like proofreading. It’s not enough to say, “But homophones!” Most people will accept a small error rate if it means they can save three thousand dollars….
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Writing and Editing Skills: How do you hyphenate your career?

How can someone effectively combine writing and editing skills? By establishing what I call a “hyphenated career,” precisely that of a Writer-Editor! Combine Writing and Editing Skills – Become a Writer-Editor In my book The Business of Storytelling, I talk about how to create a writer-editor career, where you use what you learn as a…
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You Need a Content Strategy

Let’s discuss why book editors need a content strategy in order to market their business effectively. Why Book Editors Need a Content Strategy A while back, I mentioned on a LinkedIn post that for years, my best-performing content for my personal website had been a screed about how I hated wind chimes. That post drew…
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