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Query Letter Basics

Both editors and authors need to learn query letter basics to help with the best possible chance of book publication. Query Letter Basics For Editors & Authors If your author-client is interested in trying to have their novel published by a traditional publisher, you may be asked to look at the author’s query letter (also…
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Keys to Effective Manuscript Assessment

Here are my top tips for an effective manuscript assessment without having to read the entire manuscript to provide a quote. Use these questions to help you assess a manuscript in order to provide an editing quote—without having to read the entire manuscript first. In general, a developmental editor may be able to edit five-to-ten…
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Editorial Terms and Their Meanings

Here’s a rundown of basic editorial terms and their meanings to help you understand editing terminology. When I talk about the author’s work of addressing areas of concern, I call it revision to distinguish it from what an editor does, which is editing. Most people writing and speaking on the subject don’t distinguish between the two but since…
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Different Types of Editing

There are several different types of editing, and it’s very common for authors to be confused about what type of editing their manuscript needs. They’ll ask you to “edit” their ms. You think they mean development but they mean copyediting and they’re disappointed in your work. Or they’ll say they need someone to fix the…
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The Connection Between Character and Plot

As editors, we need to understand the connection between character and plot and how to support authors in developing this relationship effectively. How to Build the Connection Between Character and Plot A common problem you’ll come across when editing fiction is a situation where characters are shoved around like chess pieces. Margie the protagonist winds…
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Letter of Introduction for Book Editors: Making a Connection

A top tip is to use a letter of introduction for book editors to make a connection with potential clients. Making a Connection with a Letter of Introduction for Book Editors I’m a big fan of reaching out to potential clients directly to let them know you exist. The letter of introduction (LOI) is a…
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Line Editing for Parallelism

Line editing for parallelism sometimes requires being a line editor detective—finding the sentence-level issues to take a manuscript to the next level. Editing Detective: Line Editing for Parallelism As a line editor, sometimes the problems I catch are obvious (“Roy laghed at the joke”) but sometimes they’re not. Sometimes being a line editor is a…
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