Showing all 6 results

  • Query letter critique


    A query letter is a sales tool used to interest a literary agent in representing your manuscript, or, more rarely, an acquisitions editor for a publishing company that accepts unsolicited manuscripts. Query letters are typically one page and focus on what the manuscript is about with a sentence or two devoted to the author’s background….

  • Synopsis critique


    A novel synopsis is typically a three- or four-page summary outlining who the main characters in your novel are and what happens over the course of the story arc. (If you’re writing a nonfiction book, see the Nonfiction Book Proposal Critique option.) Literary agents usually request these, along with a query letter, as a preliminary…

  • Manuscript evaluation, up to 65,000 words


    A manuscript evaluation is my feedback on your manuscript’s strengths and weaknesses based on my experience as a book development editor, acquisitions editor, and literary agent. I evaluate fiction in the following genres: romance (all subgenres), mystery, thriller, suspense, fantasy (all subgenres) and most science fiction. I don’t evaluate horror, children’s, or YA. For other…

  • Manuscript evaluation, 65,001 to 100,000 words


    A manuscript evaluation is my feedback on your manuscript’s strengths and weaknesses based on my experience as a book development editor, acquisitions editor, and literary agent. I evaluate fiction in the following genres: romance (all subgenres), mystery, thriller, suspense, fantasy (all subgenres) and soft science fiction. I don’t evaluate horror, children’s, or YA. For other…

  • Book proposal critique


    Nonfiction books are sold to traditional publishers based on a book proposal, not a full manuscript. For indie authors, book proposals are a great way to plan how you will write and promote your nonfiction book. I provide book proposal critiques, including critique of a sample chapter or two for self-help and how-to books. The…

  • coaching for editors and writers.

    Coaching for Editors and Writers


    $175 Online Coaching for Editors and Writers. Both new and experienced editors sometimes need professional guidance in the craft of editing or in growing their editing business. Jennifer Lawler, an experienced editor, offers personal coaching to help. Coaching typically takes place via phone conversations (Zoom if you prefer) or through email. Types of coaching Jennifer…