Advanced Copyediting (for Juanita N)


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$500 (Members: $450) | How to copyedit a novel | Self-paced | Advanced

As agreed in our email conversation, to take place from July 1 through September 9, 2024, with final edited ms and style sheet due on or before September 9, 2024.

In this class, you’ll copyedit a complete fiction manuscript (up to 100,000 words) and submit it for the instructor’s feedback on your edits.

You may want to enroll in this class if you are:

  • launching a copyediting business and want an experienced copyeditor to review your edits on a manuscript to make sure you’re following best practices before you hang out your shingle.
  • an established editor interested in offering a new service and want to ensure you’re not making any missteps.
  • working on a particularly challenging manuscript and need some help figuring out the best approach to editing it.

The practicum is entirely self-directed. The instructor will review your completed edits on a full manuscript (up to 100,000 words) as well as your style sheet and will provide a feedback letter covering her overall assessment of the manuscript edit, including what you’re doing well in your edit and suggestions for more effective approaches (if any).

The instructor can typically provide this review within three weeks of receipt of the edited manuscript, but you must arrange for evaluation when you purchase the class.

The class assumes you will be using a ms from a friend, colleague, or client, but the instructor can also provide a ms to work from if none is available to you.

This class is intended for those with some copyediting experience. Ideally, you’ve taken Beginning Copyediting for Fiction and Intermediate Copyediting for Fiction. If not, please discuss with the instructor first (

The class is entirely online and asynchronous (you don’t have to be in any particular place at any particular time to participate) but your final materials will be due on a deadline agreed to with the instructor.