Editorial Toolkit: Coaching Writers (On Demand)


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$400 (Members: $360) | How to coach writers | 4 lessons | With Instructor Feedback | Intermediate

On-demand course schedule must be arranged with the instructor as soon as possible after enrollment.

This class is designed to help you get started in offering coaching as a service to writers. Coaching can be a lucrative addition to your menu of services and can be a great way to help writers who are not ready for a developmental edit, who are stuck at the concept stage, who need to re-conceptualize their novels but don’t know how, who want someone to oversee a revision step-by-step, or who have other mentoring needs not easily contained within a traditional edit.

We’ll cover:

  • how coaching differs from developmental editing
  • developing the skills you need to offer coaching as a service
  • building on your current expertise to offer coaching services
  • marketing your services
  • understanding client needs
  • choosing the method of coaching
  • defining and setting expectations (parameters and limits)
  • setting fees and getting paid
  • figuring out scheduling and delivery logistics
  • creating small-group experiences that lead to coaching relationships
  • and more!

Each week includes a new lesson and a new assignment to be submitted for the instructor’s feedback along with online discussions about the lesson materials.

Intermediate classes are intended for those with some developmental editing experience or who have taken the Beginning + Intermediate DE for Fiction classes or the self-paced DE 1 through 6 classes.

The class is entirely online and asynchronous (you don’t have to be in any particular place at any particular time to participate) but your final materials will be due on a deadline agreed to with the instructor.