Freelancing through Tough Times (June 30 – July 27, 2025)
NEW! $330 (Members: $75. See the Membership Program classroom for the special coupon code) | How to sustain your freelance business during difficult times | 4 weeks | Instructor-led | Any level – Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced
Freelancing even in good times has its ups-and-downs but it’s even more difficult when you’re facing personal challenges such as an illness, or logistical hurdles such as caring for a young child, or bigger-picture problems such as . . . well, I think you can guess where I’m going with that.
In this class, four written lessons will cover topics such as:
- developing strategies that can help you focus when your mind is everywhere but on your work
- ways to connect with others in mutual support and aid
- how to make time for self-care even when you feel you barely have the ability to return an email
- identifying the basics that must be done for survival and letting the rest go
- delegating even when you can’t pay others for help
- how to make money quickly after you unexpectedly lose a client
- letting go of internal “rules” that aren’t serving you (such as “I have to work fifty hours a week to make enough money”)
- integrating the demands of your personal life with the demands of your work life
- how to keep up with creative and other important work
- setting aside time for fun (yes, fun)
- how to create a plan for moving forward sustainably
- and more
Instead of weekly assignments, we’ll have weekly discussion questions so that the class doesn’t become one more burden during a difficult time. We’ll use the forums to talk about our personal situations, to share what we’re doing to get through it, and to support each other.
The class is entirely online and asynchronous (you don’t have to be in any particular place at any particular time to participate).