How to Edit Query Letters, Blurbs, Pitches, and More – For Nonfiction



$90 (Members: $81) | How to edit nonfiction query letters and more| 4 lessons | Self-paced | Intermediate

This self-paced class is meant for editors who would like to offer additional services to authors beyond manuscript editing. In this class, you’ll learn how to edit:

  • query letters for authors planning to follow the traditional publishing path
  • elevator pitches for authors planning to attend conference pitch sessions or who just want to be able to talk about their book to potential readers
  • blurbs—those brief book descriptions that go on the back of the book or in the online book listing/catalog
  • pull quotes—quotes from the book that authors use to help promote the work on social media (why do they always pick terrible quotes?)
  • author bios, both brief bylines for use in marketing/promotion and longer “about the author” bios that go in a press kit or on a website

The course materials discuss the purpose of each of these items, what those reading/reviewing them are looking for, and how editors can help authors fine-tune the author’s work to make it as compelling as possible. Exercises with answer keys are included to help you practice the techniques described.

Intermediate classes are intended for those with some developmental editing experience or who have taken the Basics of Developmental Editing for Nonfiction and Principles of Developmental Editing for Nonfiction classes.

The class is entirely online and asynchronous (you don’t have to be in any particular place at any particular time to participate).