Editorial Toolkit: Beta Reading (Sep 3 – Sep 30, 2025)



$330 (Members: $297) | Editorial Toolkit: Beta Reading | 4 weeks | Instructor-led | Beginner

In this class, we’ll discuss the basics of beta reading for both fiction and nonfiction, including:

  • the differences between beta reading and other types of feedback and editing
  • ways to establish those differences to potential clients so they see the value of paid beta reading
  • how beginning developmental editors can use beta reading to gain experience and confidence
  • how more established developmental editors can add beta reading as a service to earn more income
  • using beta reading to transition from copyediting or line editing to developmental editing
  • moving from free beta reading to paid beta reading
  • how beta reading is done
  • where to get beta reading clients
  • and more!

Each week includes a new lesson and a new assignment to be submitted for the instructor’s feedback along with online discussions about copyediting issues.

The class is entirely online and asynchronous (you don’t have to be in any particular place at any particular time to participate) but weekly assignments are due by specific deadlines.